Eight game genre models were found statistically significant, and accounted for 2.6% to 7.5% of gamers’ preferences for game genres based on personality factors. Data from 545 participants was analyzed by multiple linear regression. The NEO-FFI questionnaire based on the Five Factor model was selected for measuring gamers’ personality traits. A Gaming Preferences Questionnaire was developed and validated to identify gamers’ preferences. The motivation is to contribute to demographic game design by identifying gamers’ personality profiles in order to better satisfy their needs and enjoyment. This thesis work researches the hypothesis that people with certain personality traits would prefer certain video game genres. This results in new insights for the question of genre in video games, as it is established that genre is rooted not in game mechanics, but in game aesthetics that is, play-experiences that share a phenomenological and pragmatic quality, regardless of their technical implementation. This model is tested through the history and analysis of the First-Person Shooter genre. Evolution is linked to the processes of innovation, and so a model of innovation is laid out from a compare-and-contrast approach to literary and film genre innovation.

The technological imperatives that characterize video game production are also pinpointed as relevant to the establishment and development of video game genres. After a comparative analysis, video game genres are found to differ from literary and film genres precisely on the basis of evolution. Using the concept of genre requires one to acknowledge the recent developments of genre theory in other fields of research one such development is the contestation of the idea of generic evolution. I've read some guides so far about the Big Four (timber,beer,grain and fish) but nobody seems to mention how much of every thing you need to produce sustain supply of 4(?) towns.This paper provides a critical overview of the notion of genre in game studies and in the video game industry. How is that calculated? Does it calculate the costs of running the ship (salaries) or it calculates the amount of money made only from the trade value of your product? When i use auto-trade there is a message that informs you if you had profit or loss.

But i have a lot of questions and i would be grateful if someone could answer them for me. I bought patrician 3 few days ago and i can't believe i missed this gem for so many years.